Monday, December 29, 2008


I'm feeling scared. I'm feeling scared of the unknown.

But I know that the decision that I made is right.

Instead of 6 months, it's suddenly here. Around the corner. Because of circumstances.
But when it comes down to it, it is my choice. I just think that I'm very nervous about it that's all.

This is to my best friend Steffie. Things will never change between us no matter how far we travel down the path of our own destiny. I can promise you that. Because to me, you've become an important person. You have become family. I love you and heartily thank God that he sent me you in my teenage years because you helped me discover myself, and form my character when I was fragile. Who I am now, is a mix of you and myself. And I'm proud and happy to say, a part of yourself is also influenced by me.

I am glad that despite our little differences, we have no trouble communicating. I would say ,"The sky..." and you'd say, '"is blue..." I love the times when we'd both go silly and laugh like shit over things we'd both say, or things I'd say or things that you'd say. And I know, I just know that when we're in our 40's, we'd still remain the same. Because I'm not planning on changing. Unless you are >_>

Doing what I'm about to do, takes a lot of courage, at least from me, at this present moment. This is bigger than me, and I shall put it in God's hands. I'm not being negative about it. I'm ready, just overwhelmed. After seeing Aunty Rumba tonight for dinner, and asking her to pray for me and... My heart was a pounding and here I am...


mytravellingdays365 said...

CEH. lalalallalallalalallalallalala

yala i know. ish.

Tom Yam Girl said...

lol.. u wanna answer me like that la is it? When i wrote about you >_>

Sheesh i'll keep it to myself then gg

Venetia Khong said...

when you gonna update tom yam girl?